Wednesday 8 March 2017

Success through a positive mental attitude By Napoleon Hill & W. Clement Stone: My Review

First of, this is truly a book you must read over and over until you basically know it by heart. There is not one page, one chapter that is not useful
So where do I start?

This books basically speaks on creating and keeping your internal environment consciously.
If you are unhappy,  you are not living the life you want
To live the life you want to, you must have a definite purpose
To have a definite purpose, you must sit and think, write it down and determine in your heart to follow through.
Only a definite purpose will give you the fuel to create and keep your internal environment.

It's your fault.
Where you are, how you feel is entirely your fault. Step one is to accept this. You are the most integral part of  success story. Everything else is a by product.  You decide. You choose.
It's your fault. Everything You have achieved or not achieved is your fault.
Accepting this concept will help You take responsibility for your desired future. 
But first, you must know the desired future. 
Your desired future is determined by your purpose. The specifics of that purpose creates the foundation for your internal environment. Note that your purpose isn't only monetary, but can be physical, mental and/or spirtual.
You are only limited by how much You can imagine in your heart. So take the time and sit in the quiet, call upon divine inspiration and see the person You want to become in everyway. Write it down. It does not have to be perfect, verbose or overly articulate. It just had to be right. To you. The elements of your internal environment are created by your purpose. Your purpose is created by You. Your purpose is allowed to evolve, so give yourself room to bend and grow. You find that in bending and growing as the years go by, "a seed of corn cannot grow into a mango tree". It can only be a bigger version of what You initially dreamt for yourself.
When you know what your purpose is and by divine faith and hope, can see it as achievable, that is when You have created your internal environment.

Success comes only to those who have diligently guarded their internal environment. Your internal environment is full of good ELEMENTS like faith, hope, optimism, determination, generosity and purpose. The continous use and acknowledgement of these elements will lead to success. You need to consciously guard against these elements being destroyed by other forces. 
Although we have our internal environment, our external environment still exist.  We need to never allow anything negative slip through internally. Every thought or action must have a visa interview, patting down,  by scan and letter from a religious authority before it's allowed in. In other words, always look for the good in every situation before you decide to dwell on it or share it. If there's no good in it, get rid of it. Everything grows. Especially bad elements like depression, anger, hatred, laziess, gossip, lying. Don't allow them in. You allowed to accuse your self out of those situation or the narrating of those situations.

You must break down your goals to daily achievables.  When you do this, there will be intent behind every minute. Even the time to rest! Others cannot tell you how to spend your time when you have done it for yourself with the backing of purpose. Suddenly, you realise that some matters cannot take priority and not every thing that is urgent is really urgent or is yours to solve.

You must also keep yourself in good physical health. For the internal environment is literally carried around by the body. Exercise, eat right, rest, meditate, have a good time, relax and SLEEP!  There is no point having a great internal environment in the grave.

Remember the written purpose?? Read it everyday, sink it into your heart and be able to call on it anywhere anytime. Also continously remind yourself by whose authority you can achieve it. It's only through Divine help. Prayers are not us communicating with God what we want and what we are going through. It is also an avenue to remember the omnipotentce of God. Build the walls of  your internal environment with continous reminders of your purpose, prayers and mediation on the word of God.

Lastly, do not compare your journey with others. All the validation you need come from you. Take out time and do an inventory in your achievements . If there's progress, there is growth. If there is growth there is sucess. And again, whatever anyone says, take the best of that information and allow only that into your internal environment .

The bottomline line is, the success story of your life starts and ends with YOU. We are at the end of the day, a product of our choices.

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