Wednesday 7 March 2012


Sometimes I wonder about pride.

It is a sin, is it not? 
When I’m in trouble or some kind of oppression, I look to God.
I wonder about him and who he is to me and how he can help me.
 I try to imagine him and a bible verse which says ‘Lebanon is not sufficient....................for a burnt offering.....behold the nations are a drop of a bucket and are counted as a small dust of the balance.......comes to mind
That is my God, my great God who loves me and crucified His son for me.
 I then take it for granted that as His word said, He is walking beside me at all times (he will never leave you or forsake you). 
So I walk tall and when the enemy tries to stress or worry me, I just tell him who I am walking with.

 Is that pride?

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