Friday 20 July 2012


Look at them nails...
Not polished, not manicured
Full of cuticles, ragged edges and completely misshapen
Naturally so

In its own way, it is beautiful
But you have to give it a second glance
Cast aside your scales of prejudice and societal norm
And you would see it in all its heady stance
It is beautiful, naturally so.

So I talk, I gesture gracefully....
Showing them off proudly
I worked hard for those nails!
Can't hide them even if I wanted to
Some might say sadly, 
They are always on display
Naturally so

Wednesday 7 March 2012


Sometimes I wonder about pride.

It is a sin, is it not? 
When I’m in trouble or some kind of oppression, I look to God.
I wonder about him and who he is to me and how he can help me.
 I try to imagine him and a bible verse which says ‘Lebanon is not sufficient....................for a burnt offering.....behold the nations are a drop of a bucket and are counted as a small dust of the balance.......comes to mind
That is my God, my great God who loves me and crucified His son for me.
 I then take it for granted that as His word said, He is walking beside me at all times (he will never leave you or forsake you). 
So I walk tall and when the enemy tries to stress or worry me, I just tell him who I am walking with.

 Is that pride?


Is it the way he smiles?
Or the way he flexes.
Is it his smirk when he’s being vile?
Or the way frowns when he’s vexed.
Is it how much he spends?
Or how much he shows off.

I think not.
Let’s try again

What about the look he gives you
When there’s no one else around?
Or the tingle on your skin
When he caresses the small of your back?
Does it matter that he remembers
Things that are special to you?
Or is it just a ploy to get you
To commit atrocities against you?

I think not.
Maybe this will do it!

It is who he is when he cries,
When he lets it all out.
Leans on you and tells you it hurts.
Its who he is when you hurt.
Kisses your forehead and tells you
It will pass and till then
He’ll be there.

Is that it?


It’s all of these things.
Some in small doses,
Some in large does,
That’s all.


For us
I thought of
So many things you don't know about
A different love like that ....
So I never want to lose you ...

Hot pearls on your face
Tears that I will gather -
You will smile
Amidst my fresh promises,
You will hear these words of mine,
already honest.

The two of us like this, turning our backs on the world
Here facing a sunset,
You will listen to
The sound of life stretching away peacefully
and you will understand.

Dark summer storms
Remain a nonexistent memory
And I will hear
Sounds in the sunset, now
It's time to stay with you
Here and now,
holding each other tight
not to part again
if that is what you want.

For us,
you know,
from afar I caressed
a different love like that,
still thinking of you .....
softly you opened
your coral lips on


Tuesday 21 February 2012


I am going cold
Too cold perhaps, I don't think so.
It becomes necessary
After the moans for love 
And the touches for appreciation,
And getting none in return, it is necessary

You dip your head so far back as you arch your back
Hoping to distract yourself from getting too involved in the process
Removed from the emotions, the needs and the desires, the games, the taunts, the flirtations
That was then, this is now. And I'm just cold.


As i write,
I lean across a table.
As i write,
He leans with me.
As i write,
i feel his finger tips,
across my back and it lingers.

As i write,
He's loving me,
loving me, from the back of my neck to my tippy toes

As i write,
I know
As i write
I know he's going home
to some one else

As i write


I think i am in dangerous waters.
Underneath my lashes, head slightly turned, i look.
You see, he can't see me, i won't allow him anyway.
Damn! i think he did just then.

I simply play out these moments
With imaginations, i simply cannot utter.
At this point, i can let him do anything
I mean, exactly anything
All of these while i stare underneath my lashes.

Should i say something ?
I know i can't, i won't
But he looks good though
I think he notices me.
Of course he does, look at that smile.......

He is my demon, in shining armor.


Its cool to touch, 
I love the sensation against my fingers, 
It honestly curls my toes. 
So I touch. 
I slide my fingers down, caressing it. 
Letting my fingers kiss every bead of clear liquid0 
I’m loving it and I haven’t even started. 
So I lean. 
I want more contact. 
Skin on skin, my tips get harder. 
I can’t believe this, it feels so good!................ 
………..But I think he needs my attention. 
He turns me on my back 
(It feels good on my back too) 
His elbows, my knees, my body tingles. 
Clear liquid trickles all over me 
I need this 
I love it 
What is it? 


As I lie naked, I am well rested. 
it is in this state of vulnerability that I find peace. 
I am at home in my cocoon. 

As i lie in its softness, 
surrounded by words spoken in love, I have no fear. 
I am sheltered, protected. 
I am safe. 

As I lie in its whiteness, its purity. 
I know I am watched. 
This is beautiful. This where i want to be. 
I am safe in my cocoon. 

As i lie safe in my cocoon, 
surrounded by many promises, 
I will keep my eyes fixed on Him.


Many are the thoughts, as many as the caresses. 
From the nape of my neck to the back of my calves. 
Many are his words, that brings out our baser primal actions. 
My whole body vibrating from tingling sensations. 

Our lips, our tongues, our fingers, our sweat..... 
Something that feels this right can only be a gift from the gods themselves! 
Nevertheless this SHOULD end.... 

But damn, this man makes me want to write poetry

Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Beginning

And  so it starts..............
(I hope I can keep this up)

You don't need to know about my country, my life but maybe you need to know about my perspective. 
Nah, need is a strong word............ But I am gonna talk about it anyway.