Thursday 16 February 2017

Destiny by T.D. Jakes: My Review

After reading Instinct , I felt like Destiny was just the perfect next read.
While Instinct tells us there is a purpose that comes naturally, in the quiet....Destiny tells me there is a preordained place of beauty and logic, a very familiar place I was made for.
It reminds me of a lot of principles that I instinctively knew already.
Ever had that feeling, like "I knew this!"?
Personally I have always said that all that leads to a successful life is CHOICE, FOCUS AND BALANCE.  This book just reminded me of that.
While I would love to talk about every point I learnt while reading this book, two points stuck out for me and I guess that's what I will carry from this.
we all know what we are suppose to do. It's where we feel the most at peace.  But in that space, there is room for success and failures

Everyone of us is uniquely and wonderfully made to fulfil a very distinct purpose. The best part is only you can find that purpose in the quiet
And we are comfortable in our failures because we can justify our actions! Maybe I am the only one who ever felt this but it doesn't matter how it turns out because you did what was right for you. There's peace there.
The same goes for our successes, we see the bigger picture  or the reason for it, we are forced to continue even when it is not popular.
It is difficult to keep doing something when you have no justification or validation.  It is even worse when you allow others give you that validation. You have to know why you do what you do.
An extension of this school of thought is that you empathise with others doing something "strange" (even to you!)because they believe it is for a good reason. You empathise because you know the feeling.
So these are my steps and they are not as hard as you might think. Find a place of quiet - think - make a decision on a course of action - see the end goal -  write it down - read it constantly - act and never stop.

Nothing fuels the human spirit like a constant source of validation.

PS.  keep the haters out and you don't have to explain your dream to anybody.


Now this part is about mentorship particularly. A section of the growth process that I never understood its significance.  But I have learnt that there is no quicker way to get out of a rut even when you know your purpose than through mentorship. It's important to choose wisely and realise that one mentor cannot fit every area of your life. So just like when you go in for a new job, know exactly what you plan to get out of it. We have to make sure we don't over stay our welcome!
Actually this affects every area. See, not all friends play the same role all the years of your life. Same goes for mentors,  jobs, partners. Quickest way to grow is to accept change. I mean,  it can't be growth if it remains the same, right?
So perhaps,  having a mentor point you in a different direction completely  does not seem easy but that's what you need! Just remember growth is not easy, it is challenging.
Growth is consistent challenges that can lead to your purpose when resolved properly.
Mediocrity is using the same method for every situation, everytime

Personally, my light bulb moment in this book came when I realised and accepted that growth isn't comfortable . Biologically even, growth does not leave things the way they were. It operates under a new set of rules.
It just isn't comfortable! So don't be afraid if you've never done it before, if it seems strange, if it's a new environment, if you don't understand these set of rules! If you are sure in your spirit that it would lead you to your destiny, just DO IT!

While both points might seem contradictory, it really has a flow.  The first must come before the other. No other way around it. Trust your self and do not be afraid to do what ever it takes within your moral confines to get what you need to arrive safely at Destiny's harbour.......